A box found at a garage sale in Søby, with vintage portraits of inhabitants of Ærø from the late 19th century – a period when Denmark was considered a country of emigration. In the years 1850-1920, well over 300,000 Danes emigrated by ship across the Atlantic Ocean to the United States. About 2,000 of them…Continue Reading “Vi drog ud”
MAKE A WISH! At the public garden Abna Alquds (Sons of Jerusalem) a sound installation performance creates a wishing well. Different rhythms of water and ambiguous environments create a space that’s connected with essence of life as well as one of the current problems in Palestinian society. Water isn’t present. On the first RE-Viewing Jerusalem:…Continue Reading “Suspense of hodophopia – the life of the wishing well”
SUSPENSE OF HODOPHOBIA – The Life of Fear is a 15 min video, looped. The installation consists of 4 screens of each 15 min video. All 4 videos are played simultaneously with one soundtrack. ”Hodo” betyder vej, ”Phobia” frygt. Vores værk ”SUSPENSE OF HODOPHOBIA – the life of fear” er en fortælling om frygtens væsen….Continue Reading “Suspense of hodophobia – The life of fear”
I lyset af debatten om grænsehegn og flygtningestrømme der præger ”Europas nye virkelighed”, har Kunsthal NORD haft en satellit på Ravnkildevej i Aalborg Øst, hvor Malene Nors Tardrup og Noor Abu Arafeh i et tæt kunstnerisk samarbejde, og på tværs af vidt forskellige kulturelle baggrunde, har skabt et stedspecifikt, relationelt og borgerinddragende kunstprojektet, Publishing House:…Continue Reading “Publishing House: Re-write History”
On time / An exhibition in the context of time at Sydhavn S-train-station. Open from July 26th – August 11th. 2013. For the show ‘On time’ at Sydhavn Station, 5 timely, timebased, timeconsuming, timethinking (etc) artists have been invited to create an artwork for a time-space, rather than an assigned squaremeter-space in the exhibition-room. The…Continue Reading “Til tiden”
Hvordan sikrer vi i det globaliserede samfund at alle får retten til en hjemstavn og hvordan sikrer vi at alle får muligheden for at kunne udtrykke den? Hjemstavnsbillede(r) består af 10.000 vis af fotografier, der til sammen danner et fælles billede. Konceptet er, at ud fra en multietnisk masse og et mangfoldigt billedmateriale, skabes en…Continue Reading “Hjemstavnsbilleder”
How is history being produced? What is written, what is said and what is physically preserved? Can history be taught as a single coherent narrative or a series of competing narratives? Should history be constructed by artists or written by philosophers as Benedetto Croce views it? The project 100 Ways to Relate to History consists…Continue Reading “100 ways to relate to history”
Two pictures taken opposite each other near the Caspian Sea, Iran. The Caspian Sea is the largest enclosed body of water on Earth. It is in an endorheic basin (it has no outflows).
De fotografiske persiske tæpper er sammensat af tusindvis af snapshots baseret på en rejse til Iran. Hvert tæppe består af 10.000 miniature fotografier, som tilsammen udgør et mønster, der på afstand ligner et persisk tæppe. De fotografiske persiske tæpper er min individuelle fortolkning af Iran. Et land der er meget mere end islamisk teokrati og…Continue Reading “En tæppe fortælling”
Mens tiden flyver afsted i den både postmoderne, senmoderne og globaliserede tid kan fotografiets åndedrag lave en standsning, der på en gang favner både stilheden og absurditeten i livet og stederne.